“Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers.”
It is apparent that things change, but it is also a reality that some things were never meant to be changed. There are boundaries to everything in life. Boundaries are necessary because they not only protect people; they protect the truth. Truth is sacred and cannot be left up to the masses to decide what is or what is not truth. If this were the case, there would be as many interpretations of truth as there are people. When people or culture become the definers of truth, it will not take long to realize that boundaries have been changed, or under the attack of being changed. When boundaries are changed, truth is lost. History has taught mankind that change takes place subtlety with the result being that the truth often times is lost altogether.
God is different because He does not change. Why is it that God does not change? The answer to this question is simple: God can never be accused of moving boundaries because God is the source of all boundaries. Put another way; God is the source of truth. God is the source of all truth. Truth comes from God. God is not just the creator of something; He is the sustainer of all that He creates. For example, God is the God of life. This also means that God is the source of life. No man, woman, boy or girl has the authority over their lives. “God breathed into the first man the breath of life, and that man became a living soul.” (Gen. 2:7) This has not changed! All humanity today depends on the breath of God for life. Without His breath, every human being dies. No man is in control of life. Similarly, no man can be the source of truth.
Today’s culture is attempting to move one of the boundaries that God set from the beginning. This boundary was established by God when He created man as male and female. Also, God created the male-man according to His purpose and set boundaries related to his identity, authority, and his value. This was determined and established by God alone because only God is the source of life concerning the man. The truth about the masculinity of the man is under attack. It is interesting that many who are not the source of the man are attempting to redefine the identity and the purpose for the man. Jeremiah, God’s prophet, reminds us of this truth: “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does? Declares the Lord. Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.” (Jer. 18:6) Like the nation of Israel, today’s culture must be careful lest it forgets that it is still in the hand of the Potter.