“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.”
Jesus makes it absolutely clear that divided kingdoms will always suffer ruin. It was apparent that the leadership of the day were confused about who Jesus was, as well as what kingdom He represented. In response to their declaration, Jesus includes both a city (Matt. 12:25) and a house. The point He was making is that all three of these references require a king. Every kingdom must have a king! The king is responsible for his kingdom. It is his responsibility to provide leadership, cast vision, and protect those in his kingdom from harm. In short, the king must know who his enemies are. The king must be discerning of those who would undermine his reign while attempting to divide his kingdom.
The point must be made again that every kingdom needs a king. If kingdoms need kings, then cities need mayors, and houses need men. The role of the king is to provide covering for his kingdom. The responsibility of the mayor is to provide vision for his city. In similar fashion, it is the man who has been ordained to provide order for the home. It is not hard to deduce that there is a need for kings. Regardless of the title they may have, the role is the same. Men must realize that their homes; their families were always their kingdoms. The challenge in today’s culture is the apparent absence of kings in the home. Let us work for the return of the king to his kingdom! If we fail in achieving this goal, the end result will be the destruction of the home.