“Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? ”
An army has always been needed. The world is filled with conflict and discord. Strife and friction continue to undermine the safety of communities while division and confusion take its toll on relationships. There seems to be no limit to the assault upon families. Our present culture has become complacent to the battle while missing the war altogether. It has become evident that a war is raging. It is clear that an army is needed.
We must consider two things. First, it is important to identify the real enemy. Who is coming against us to destroy our sense of security? Next, who is best qualified to fight this battle? An appropriate response to the first question requires consideration of the kind of battle we are fighting. In reality, this is a spiritual battle. This battle is not a natural battle, nor will victory be won in the natural sense. Also, those who fight in this battle must be spiritually sensitive. In considering your potential for victory, it must be recognized that we are talking about kings! Is it possible that what we really need is an army of kings?