In our last blog, we highlighted the struggle that men are facing in today’s culture. A number of challenge areas were identified. I also want to remind you of the scripture verse used:
“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6
Hosea is proclaiming the revelation of God to the people of his day. This single verse is as relevant today as it was then. In many ways, it is more relevant in this present-day culture as it again reminds the hearers of the consequences of their actions. It is a fact that people today are suffering from a lack of knowledge. In general, today’s culture is not suffering from knowledge in general, but from “biblical knowledge.” I chose not to define knowledge as spiritual knowledge because not all spiritual knowledge is biblical. Biblical knowledge represents the True and Living God! The God of the Bible is the one God who sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to die for the sins of all men. This is the God who created all things including man—in His image and in His likeness. This is the God who created man male and female and gave them dominion to rule over all His creation. Only man was created and commanded to share authority with God. The man and the woman were the only ones created with the authority to represent God’s authority on the earth. They were created to rule over.
Hosea’s words speak specifically to the condition of humanity today. The prophet declares that the people of his day had rejected knowledge. More specifically, the prophet identifies “the church—or believers—as a part of those who had rejected ‘biblical knowledge. Biblical knowledge is different from all other knowledge in that it represents the truth. This truth is not determined by time and culture. This truth is not the result of religion, politics, philosophy, or education. This kind of truth is not subject to the entertainment, art, or science of mankind. This truth is critical because the result of this truth is absolute and complete freedom. In fact, this truth is eternal in that it transcends the present and all imitations known to man.
“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32
The result of this rejection of knowledge by both those who believe, and those who do not, is their rejection by God. The foundation of this rejection is the ignorance of God’s law. But the point must not be overlooked, not only does God reject those ignore His law, He declares that He will also ignore their children.
I repeat the point previously made involving the role of fathers. This revelation speaks to the plight of men today and sons tomorrow. It is apparent that the gap between men and women in roles of leadership continues to widen. It is evident that part of this disparity is the result of men falling behind, or being absent, in the church, the family, and the workplace. But nowhere else is the gap felt greater than its impact on the relationship between fathers and sons. Again, the absence of fathers in the home is at epidemic proportions. This pain is felt not only by sons but by mothers and daughters in general. If the truth were told, the man’s absence continues to lead to the erosion of the foundation of the family. Too many boys are growing up to become men who have not benefited from a father in their lives. It would help to just have more men in the lives of their children, but not every man is a father.
One does not become a father just because he impregnates a woman. As stated in the book—Endangered Masculinity—“Manhood is not a title, and fatherhood is not an achievement.” In order for a boy to become a man, there must be an impartation of manhood. Before a husband can become a father he must experience the affirmation of a father. No boy can fully appreciate the spirit of manhood without a Godly example. Boys must be taught manhood. Men must witness what it means to be a husband by mirroring legitimate masculinity. Finally, men need to understand what it means to be a father by patterning both their natural father and their Heavenly Father. These are spiritual lessons that must be grounded in the Law of God and embraced by men who realize that they were born to lead but created to reign. Manhood is not just a spiritual journey, but a Godly calling. May every man become the example so desperately needed by sons, and the spiritual father required needed by kings.