“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4:6
A wise person must pursue the knowledge of what they don’t know. It is apparent that we have an oblivious culture. The simple truth is that man has always assumed he knows. The word oblivious is defined as lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention. Simply put, it refers to one who is ignorant or clueless. Hosea reminds men and women of this challenge. Notice that he is specific in his revelation. First, Hosea speaks specifically to certain people. He communicates his message to those referred to as “my people.” This is a reference to specific people. Hosea is speaking on behalf of his God to God’s people.
Men need to hear this word. God gave man the responsibility for managing His creation. God created the man—“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul.” (Gen. 2:7) When God created humans, He began with man. The Bible verifies this truth. As the first human created by God, man was responsible for everything God had made. Men today need to know that they still have this responsibility! God has not changed His mind, nor has He changed His will when it comes to men. God expects more from a man because men are much more responsible to God.
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Gen. 2:15) Eden was a specific place God prepared for man. In Eden, God spoke directly to the man. Man was responsible not only for all God had created but for God Himself. God always meant for men to take care of things. God gave men the responsibility to cultivate His creation. There was no one else available to answer this call from God. Men have forgotten how vital this commitment is. Hosea reminds men that their lack of knowledge will only lead to destruction. God clarifies this point by communicating that men, and all humanity, have rejected knowledge.
There is a most fundamental challenge that men must be aware of. Please be reminded that in every man is a husband, in every husband is a father, and in every father is a family. This point alone validates the ultimate responsibility that the man has. Hosea confirms this reality when he writes: “…because you have ignored the law of your Lord, I also will ignore your children.” Men, husbands, and fathers must take this warning seriously. No one else has this kind of responsibility for the family other than the man. God calls every husband to be an example to the family. And finally, all fathers are to provide covering for their families. The revelation of biblical knowledge must be every father’s priority if our families, and people in general, are not to be destroyed for the lack of it.